Twitter Tuesday: Facebook Feedback..What's Yet to Come!

Last week the world was going nuts, absolutely crazy over the small, very minor "changes" Facebook did. As I mention in an earlier blog here Nothing has really changed. Just a real time newsfeed and Top Stories. Those are just the biggest changes and their not even that big. Here are what a few Twitter folks had to say about it: Thanks to Sarah who helped get the Twitter Tuesday Question out.

 Chantál Cocca 

 the new Facebook sucks

 Madeleine Wyld 

 It's okay, I preferred the last version honestly, but like every time, we'll get used to it!

 Ashlee Feldman 

 girl I could care less about the Facebook change! The people that actually status about how much that hate it have issues. ;)

 I don't like it. I don't need to know who comments on what. It's intrusive and annoying haha

 Rachelle ❤ (◕‿◕ ✿ 

 It's alright, I aint scared... I have a life besides social network LOL As long as i get to control my privacy, im cool ;)

 ☠ Ana Kristina™☠ 

 I don't mind it. I think it's really stupid that they change it every month. It confuses the hellout of ppl. But it's ok.

 Chelsey Sanderson 

 I like the new features - especially bigger pics on wall- except for the ticker/timeline on right home pg. I can't keep up w/it!

50/50. The tweets are nothing compared to the whinefest going on in Facebook. I am concerned. because if those small changes have people punching their pillows. You have seen nothing yet! The photo below shows you what will become of Facebook...Yes, this is my profile page before the official launch of the new layout. How did I do it? Easy, I hacked their system! Ha no, its called research people.

I can't seem to figure it out. But from what I can tell, your facebook will become your life journal. Everything has its own spot on your homepage. Videos, pictures, statuses etc. They all have their own little box, which you can feature, edit or even remove! So, thats cool. Another thing is the "Timeline" on the far right side. Everything you have done on Facebook since the day you created the account is there for you to see! (Yes, time to delete any incriminating evidence) The good, the bad and the ugly is there for you to relive if you choose. You can also add your own little cover photo. Also Languages, relationships etc. Have a little more detail now to fill out, but it is much easier to find. It is right there above your status update box. They also added two neat little features like: achievements and wellness. You can pick out the exact date you accomplished something or when you got sick/hurt. Everything is no longer a status update, it all has its own spot. Like a fancy folder. You have a spot for everything. I do not know how others updates will appear on your homepage since obviously the release has yet to be made official and hardly anyone has it.

Thats all I can figure out right now. It looks like someone ate Facebook then spat it all over your page. It looks terrible at first and may give you a few migrane headaches, but in time, just like the Iphones, IPads, PS3, 360's DVR's and HD TV, you'll start to get use to it and say "I can't live without it!"

And no it is still nothing like Myspace. Myspace on top of their major changes, runs incredibly slow. Facebook remains smooth, clean and easy to use. Look at it this way. Its like when Myspace started off, we couldn't do much of anything, no HTML, nothing fancy, plain and dull, then they moved forward and added lots of changes that made it really cool and awesome (that is when its popularity really took off.) Now Facebook is doing something similar, but less of a pain. It takes time to get use to change, but I still believe Facebook is better than Myspace (now), lets just hope Mark doesn't sell it to some company that kills it with a beta platform. Maybe this will make you feel better. The real time newsfeed and Top Stories that you currently see, will be like sitcoms on TV..gone forever!

CORRECTION: The new update yet to be released, is for your profile page NOT your homepage.